Airports in Ukraine-Airport Chernivtsi

Airport Chernivtsi   (Location on the map)


In 1999 Chernivtsi airport received international status.
Since March 2007 Chernovtsy airport carried out international flights to Romania, Italy, Turkey.
In 2011 was completed the reconstruction of the runway of the airfield. A set of measures for the purchase of equipment for the installation of light signal system and certification of the airfield and more.
In the arrangement airport has two takeoff and landing smuhy.Osnovna able to receive aircraft type An-12, Yak-42, Tu-134, etc. weighing up to 75 tons.
Additional ground in the airport is not used. The airfield is suitable for year-round operation of aircraft without limitation, the light and the dark. The capacity of 12 takeoffs, landings per hour.
Currently performed two regular flights: one in the capital of Ukraine. Kyiv airline "Urga" .Also done airline "Carpatair" flight Timisoara (Romania), which is the hub of the airline with which you can get to almost any destination in Europe . Also performed charter flights to Milan (Italy), Naples (Italy), Bergamo (Italy), Antalya (Turkey). Regularly carried cargo aircraft An-12 airlines «en: Aerovis_Airlines».



Airports in Ukraine-Airport Chernivtsi


58009 Ukraine,Chernivtsi,30 Chekalova Str,airport Chernivtsi



Airports in Ukraine-Airport Chernivtsi


+380 (0)3722 43221, +380 (0)3722 764-77
+380 (0)3722 41530



Airports in Ukraine-Airport Chernivtsi






Airports in Ukraine-Airport Chernivtsi


Hotels located near the airport Chernivtsi.




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