airport vinnitsa-airports in ukraine

Airport Vinnitsa   (Location on the map)


Vinnitsa Gavrishovka Airport is located 12 km from the city center. Gavrishovka Airport serves both domestic and international flights.Since 2009, takes seasonal charter flights with Hasidim from Israel who make an annual pilgrimage to the mass grave of one of the spiritual leaders of Hasidism in Ukraine - Rabbi Nachman. On 10 May 2013 the airline "Motor Sich" launched flight "Moscow (Vnukovo) - Athens", twice a week.


airports in ukraine-airport vinnitsa


Ukraine,23202, Gavrishovka,airport



airports in ukraine-airport vinnitsa


+380432 32-48-75;



airports in ukraine-airport vinnitsa


Bus route: Gagarin Square-Airport




airports in ukraine-airport vinnitsa


Hotels located near the airport Vinnitsa




Attention! Flight schedules are constantly changing, so check before traveling schedule your desired flight to flight search box on the left.