Airports in Ukraine-Airport Lviv

Airport Lviv   (Location on the map)


Lviv International Airport is located within the boundaries of Lviv is 6 km from the city center . The airport is the largest in Ukraine. Was completely renovated during the country's preparations for Euro 2012 in 2009-2012 . Registration and checking in is done in the right wing of the terminal arrivals hall located in the left wing of the terminal . The new airport terminal Lions are several cafes and shops. In a public hall on the ground floor is a cafe where you can order snacks and drinks , as well as local store chocolate shop that sells candy and chocolate figurines . In a clean area after passing the control of aviation security is a cafe and a sushi bar Yuppie network . At the departure of international flights Lviv Airport is a large shop Duty free Polish network Baltona.



Airports in Ukraine-Airport Lviv


Ukraine,Lviv,Lubinska Street, 168



Airports in Ukraine-Airport Lviv


+38 (032) 229-8112
+38 (032) 229-80-25 (fax),+38 (032)  229-83-19



Airports in Ukraine-Airport Lviv


Bus number 48, number 9 trolleybus




Car rental airport lviv

Car rental:

Rent car located on the territory of the airport.




Airports in Ukraine-Airport Lviv


Hotels located near the airport Lviv.




Attention! Flight schedules are constantly changing, so check before traveling schedule your desired flight to flight search box on the left.