Airports in Ukraine-Airport Dnepropetrovsk

Airport Dnepr   (Location on the map)


Dnipro  International Airport is located within the boundaries of Dnepr is 5 km from the city center .The airport is the largest in Ukraine.
The  airport Dnepr  terminal  are several cafes and shops.
At the departure of international flights Dnepr Airport is a large shop Duty Free
In 2010 started the construction of a new passenger terminal is sheduled for comletion in 2015.


Airports in Ukraine-Airport Dnepropetrovsk


49042 Ukraine,Dnepr,airport Dnepr



Airports in Ukraine-Airport Dnepropetrovsk


+38  (0562) 39-53-11; +38 (0562) 39-52-54;
+38-056-787-08-49; +38 056-740-70-00;



Airports in Ukraine-Airport Dnepropetrovsk


Bus number 60; 109.




Car rental airport dnipro

Car rental:

Rent car located on the territory of the airport.




Airports in Ukraine-Airport Dnepropetrovsk


Hotels located near the airport Dnepr.




Attention! Flight schedules are constantly changing, so check before traveling schedule your desired flight to flight search box on the left.