Airports in Ukraine-Airport Ivano-Frankovsk

Airport Ivano-Frankovsk   (Location on the map)


Ivano-Frankovsk International Airport is located in the southwestern part of the city of Ivano-Frankovsk. Distance from the city center to the airport - 4.5 km.Aerodrom able to receive aircrafts type Boing, AN , IL , Tu , helicopters and light aircraft .
For passengers in the airport parking available for cars and rental service vehicles. The comfortable lounges can be a good time for a cup of coffee in soft armchairs . At the airport Ivano-Frankovsk many cafeterias , restaurants, shops ,   bankomats and currency exchange offices . There service packing luggage and luggage storage.


Airports in Ukraine-Airport Ivano-Frankovsk


76011, Ukraine, Ivano-Frankovsk , Konovaltsa Street, 264а



Airports in Ukraine-Airport Ivano-Frankovsk


+380 (3422) 59-80-35, +380 (3422) 59-80-37;



Airports in Ukraine-Airport Ivano-Frankovsk


Bus from Railway Stations.




Car rental airport ivano-frankivsk

Car rental:

Rent car located on the territory of the airport.




Airports in Ukraine-Airport Ivano-Frankovsk


Hotels located near the airport Ivano-Frankovsk.




Attention! Flight schedules are constantly changing, so check before traveling schedule your desired flight to flight search box on the left.