airports in ukraine-airport Zaporozhye

Airport Zaporozhye   (Location on the map)


Zaporozhye International Airport - one of the largest airports in Ukraine.
Zaporozhye airport consists of three terminals and has an area of ​​over 15,000 square meters. Two runways allow Zaporozhye airport to receive medium planes. At the airport Zaporozhye are cafes, bank with currency exchange, ATMs. Zaporozhye airport near a
large car.


airports in ukraine-airport Zaporozhye


69013, Ukraine,Zaporozhye, airport



airports in ukraine-airport Zaporozhye


+38 (061) 227-05-79
+38 (061) 721-46-09



airports in ukraine-airport Zaporozhye


№ 3, № 4, № 8, № 35а, № 37




airports in ukraine-airport Zaporozhye


Hotels located near the airport Zaporozhye.




Attention! Flight schedules are constantly changing, so check before traveling schedule your desired flight to flight search box on the left.